CSAW and PPHM Joint Digital Archive Projects

Permalink for this community. Use this when sharing or citing this source:https://hdl.handle.net/11310/326


Communities in this Community

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • The Center for the Study of the American West has a robust interdisciplinary internship program. Student research is often compiled at the end of the internship, and is deposited here for everyone to see.
  • The “Forgotten Frontera” project, overseen by CSAW at West Texas A&M University, aims to recognize and document the history of Mexican American and Tejano history in the Southern Great Plains region, where these people made a significant contribution not adequately recognized in the region’s written histories.
  • Maps drawn and associated scholarship by J. Michael Harter
  • The Texas Panhandle Curriculum Initiative was created to help provide educators with lessons that meet TEA TEKS while also bringing regional topics to their students to promote a sense of place, understanding, and interest in the Texas Panhandle. The lessons found on this site cover a wide range of topics from the history of the people groups that resided in the Panhandle, to the examination of the wildlife and geography, to the art and literary works inspired by the region.