Roller Coasters, Popcorn, and Funnel Cake: Customer Service in Amusement Parks



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The prominence of amusement parks has grown over the last several decades. Amusement parks fall into the service-based industry, thus the performance of the employees is even more important as they play a direct role in a customer’s satisfaction with an experience. The customer satisfaction index scale has been created many times and was adapted for amusement parks for this study. Organizational identification was another scale adapted for amusement park-goers. These scales were used in the survey to assess the connection individuals have with the park they chose and their attitudes toward their chosen park’s customer service. This study surveyed participants who had attended amusement parks within the last year. It was used to answer the hypotheses and research questions. Employees did not negatively affect the overall customer satisfaction index scores. Customers with higher organizational identification were more satisfied than those with lower organizational identification scores. Age was the demographic that did not have statistically significant difference in any test (CSI, OI, or complaints). Gender was not statistically significant in organizational identification or complaints but was significant in customer satisfaction. Distance and park chosen was statistically significant in customer satisfaction and organizational identification, but not in complaints. Parks owned by multi-park companies had participants plan to return more than those owned by companies with a single park.



Amusement parks, customer service, customer service in amusement parks, customer satisfaction index, organizational identification


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