Brooks, Mary LizGarcia, Nancy2023-06-262023-06-262022-03-03, focus group, reflection journalsThe sales industry in the United States is an economic powerhouse and is often where recent college graduates obtain their first real-world jobs. However, there is a need to understand students' perceptions and knowledge of sales and their experience selling advertising space. This study applied experiential learning theory to a mass media sales course in spring 2021. The purpose was to explore barriers, successes, and helpful sales tools that students could incorporate should they obtain a career in advertising sales. Results indicate students' openness to joining the sales industry upon college graduation and an overall positive perception of a sales career.en-US2022 Faculty Research Poster Session and Research FairWest Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of CommunicationPosterAdvertising salesPounding the Pavement: A Media Sales Experiential Learning ProjectPresentation