Phillips, AngelaSmoot, TeresaRobinson, Lisa2023-02-272023-02-272023-03-02 data collection methodology use was qualitative observations and review of evaluations.Objective Structured Clinical Examination: Five Years and Counting Abstract Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a simulation assessment method based on a student's performance that measures clinical competence and skill set. The use of OSCE learning is well established within nursing education. OSCE can achieve needed practice and assess knowledge and understanding in a safe environment. OSCEs may be formative or summative, according to their role and purpose in the curriculum. At West Texas A&M University, in the Graduate Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program, OSCEs began to be used in 2017. A formative OSCE is used as a learning tool and does not contribute as an academic requirement. A summative OSCE is used as an assessment method to formally evaluate clinical skills and knowledge and contributes to academic success within a program. FNP students complete a summative OSCE in their final semester of the program. In 2022, OSCE cases began to be conducted on campus to promote the university fulfillment of becoming an accredited simulation center. Data continues to be collected to analyze student learning outcomes as patient cases and scenarios are developed and expanded. Deliberate practice based scenarios provide significant benefits in providing care to a patient. The goal of this poster is to report ongoing use of OSCE at WTAMU.en-US2023 Faculty and Student Research Poster Session and Research FairWest Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of NursingPosterObjective Structured Clinical ExaminationNursing educationFamily Nurse PractitionerObjective Structured Clinical Examination: Five Years and CountingPresentation