Revett, Jon2022-02-042022-02-042021-122021-12-16December 2 thesis exhibition, “Dendrite”, explores the complexity of interpersonal connections by using images of tree branches and the local environment as a visual metaphor. The relationships that humans form with one another have the potential to last anywhere from an instant to an entire lifetime, and its effects can be instantly forgettable or remembered for generations. We create, maintain, and break these connections constantly. To illustrate these concepts, I use a combination of painting and digital media to explore specific relationship dynamics. The backgrounds of my images are taken from photos of my family’s ranch, which is a canyon-like environment specific to the Texas Panhandle. These images provide context for the relationship dynamics themselves. Interpersonal relationships are living, evolving creations represented by tree branches in my work. Like these relationships, tree branches are constantly growing and changing organically, but can be changed artificially. The form of a branch is dictated by a combination of intent, random chance, and predisposition. Tree branches provide a visual map of these relationship dynamics while alluding to the natural tendency of humans to form bonds with one another. By superimposing the branches over my backgrounds, these natural forms create a solid ground onto which I build my exploration of the complex web of interpersonal connections.application/pdfen-USRegionalismLandscapeRelationshipsDendriteThesis2022-02-04